Add Your Collectable

Add a character profile to this collection? Excellent! Use the form below to share it.

Enter a descriptive title that identifies your character and the source material, including date of publication or production.

Upload Image

Drag and drop an image file (or click to use a file selector) to upload it. You can use JPG, PNG, or GIF files up to 524 Mb in size. Recommendation: take a screenshot from the film you are profiling, or a screenshot of the cover of the book from the TRU library website, or use any of the resources suggested in the How to Search for Relevant Images tab to find an image licensed for reuse. You are not graded based on this image - the image is a default requirement for this template!

Drag file or click to select file to upload

To provide better web accessibility and search results, enter a short alternative text that can be substituted for this image.

Take credit for profiling this character by entering your first and last name.

Enter a 300-500 word profile to describe this character with reference to categories, concepts, or examples from the Small Players, Small Parts dossier of Screen.

Enter name of the source material to give credit for the image submitted above. This should be the film title with year if you are submitting a screenshot, the book title if you are submitting a screenshot of the book cover, or the title of the work and author if you are using an image licensed for reuse.

Select the appropriate reuse license for this profile - this is up to you! You can select a Creative Commons license that allows viewers to reuse your work with attribution, or you can assert your desire to reserve rights.

Check all categories that will help organize this character

Add any descriptive tags or keywords for this character you want. Separate multiple ones with commas. Some suggestions include genre of the original text, type of character, or relevant scholar.

If you provide an email address when your character profile is published, you can request a special link that will allow you to edit it again in the future.

Send notifications of comments to this address

You can preview how your character profile will look when published; when ready, share it to this collection.