12 Character profiles Categorized "Hail, Caesar! (2016)"

Submarine Commander – Hail, Caesar! (2016)

Hail, Caesar! (2016), written and directed by the Coen Brothers, explores the fascinating concept of a group of communists working to fight against and overthrow the rigid, exploitative…

Communist Writers -Hail, Caesar! (2016)

The Coen Brothers’ Hail, Caesar! (2016) is a remarkably fun look at Hollywood during the height of the studio system in the 1950’s. The film focuses on Josh…

Hobie Doyle – Hail Caesar! (2016)

The Coen brothers’ 2016 film Hail, Caeser! Follows Eddie Mannix (Josh Brolin) as he tries to navigate and solve all the problems of the actors and filmmakers at…

Joe Silverman – Hail Caesar! (2016)

In the 2016 film Hail, Caeser! Jonah Hill plays the role of Joe Silverman, a surety agent and professional fall guy employed by Capitol Pictures in the 1950s….

Burt Gurney in Hail! Caesar

Alex Woloch writes that a character is as much about what is told, or in this case shown, about a character as what’s left out. In the case…

The Rabbi- Hail, Caesar! (2016)

In the 2016, comedy musical film Hail, Caesar! The Rabbi makes a brief appearance when he and other religious figureheads are brought in as consultants on the matter…

Carlotta Valdez- Hail, Caesar! (2016)

Carlotta Valdez is an aspiring Hollywood starlet who is ready for bigger roles but is limited to using her beauty to help further her male counterparts’ careers. Her…

C.C Calhoun- Hail, Caesar! (2016)

C.C. Calhoun makes a brief appearance in Hail, Caesar! (2016), a musical comedy set in the 1950s that depicts the behind-the-scenes of a Hollywood movie star handler and…

Thora Thacker in Hail, Caesar! (2016)

Thora Thacker is a notable character in the large ensemble cast of Hail, Caesar! (2016) and she is identifiable as a reporter adding more work to the overworked…

DeeAnna Moran in Hail, Caesar! (2016).

DeeAnna Moran is an interesting minor character within Hail, Caesar! (2016) as her character is distinct in an ensemble of characters in the studio managed by Eddie Mannix…

Laurence Laurentz in Hail, Caesar! (2016)

Film director Laurence Laurentz is one character among the ensemble cast of Hail, Caesar! (2016) that stands out in the sea of minor characters set in the studio…

Lurking Extra (Lyre Player) in Hail, Caesar! (2016)

The lurking extra or on set the “lyre player,” has a role as a small but important part as an extra in the 2016 movie Hail Caesar! You…